Recent updatesLatest: Please Note That ALL RLSS Qualifications that expire between 30/03/2020 to 30/09/2020 will be extended until 30/09/2020.
Checking for Danger!
Have you wonder what dangers are we checking for? How should we assess the SERCs and decide the priorities? The Survive and Save Instructor manual can be the informative starting point for you! If you are interested in NPLQ, check out for the RLSS online course materials and guidebooks. Don't miss this out!
Wanting to read something in-between gap hours? Click below and respark yourself with a range of lifesaving skills and theories. Or take it as a leisure reading together with some tea and biscuits during this lockdown if you like!
Related to the Lifesaving Instructor Qualification
Find your Survive and Save Manual here on RLSS Direct!
7 Chapters of Survive and Save program together with the Instructor Guide and Manual can be downloaded from the RLSS Direct. Get your's from here!
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Related to the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification
Find your NPLQ Online Training Sessions here
(Sign-up/ Login Required) 10 sessions of NPLQ with worksheets are available online for everyone! Select Awards & Training from the top tool bar, then click Online Training. Make sure you have sign-up an RLSS UK account. If not, no worries, it is easy to sign-up and you can find it on the top right corner of that page. Why not have a go now?
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Latest update: 19th June 2020
Latest update: 19th June 2020